
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Windows 98 questions and answers

Reference Question Windows 98 Microsoft Windows 98 dictionary definition ... thumbnail 1 summary

Reference Question
Windows 98 Microsoft Windows 98 dictionary definition and related links.
Main page Microsoft Windows 98 main page.
AC Autoexec.bat and config.sys questions and answers.
APM Advanced Power Management help and support.
Boot disk Boot disk help and support.
CD-ROM CD-ROM and other disc drive help and support.
CPU Computer processor help and support.
DM Windows Device Manager help and support.
Files Computer files help and questions and answers.
Floppy Floppy disk drive help and support.
Games Computer games help and support.
Hard drive Hard drive help and support.
Joystick Joystick and gamepad help and support.
Keyboard Keyboard help and support.
Memory Computer memory help and support.
MODEM Modem help and support.
Mouse Computer mouse help and support.
Network Computer network help and support.
Printer Computer printer help and support.
Registry Microsoft Windows Registry help and support.
Security Issues and information about computer security.
Sound card Sound card help and support.
Video card Video card help and support.
Drivers Computer drivers and manufacturer listing.
History The history of Microsoft Windows.
Tips Microsoft Windows tips
Microsoft Microsoft company contact information.
CHSAFE Getting into Windows Safe Mode
CHSYS Information about the Windows Systray.
CHTSR How to remove TSRs and startup programs.
CHWIN98 Basic Microsoft Windows 98 troubleshooting.
CH000017 Ways of locating hardware and other system specifications.
CH000021 errors.
CH000122 Getting File manager and Program manager in Windows 95/98.
CH000123 I have problems in Windows after installing new software.
CH000127 Issues and questions related to the Windows Taskbar.
CH000131 Enabling and disabling the password prompt for Windows 95, 98, and ME.
CH000132 Getting Windows 95 and 98 to boot to MS-DOS.
CH000133 Creating icons for Microsoft Windows.
CH000134 How to make files not go to the Recycle Bin in Windows 95 and 98.
CH000136 Adding and removing icons in Windows Control Panel.
CH000140 Windows computer only starts in MS-DOS.
CH000141 Where can I get TweakUI for Microsoft Windows?
CH000143 Windows 95/98 MS-DOS compatibility preventing game from running.
CH000146 Missing install font option in Windows.
CH000148 Exclamation mark on PCI to ISA bridge in Windows.
CH000150 Does Windows 98 support multiple processors?
CH000152 Disabling Windows 98 Task Scheduler from startup.
CH000154 Windows 98 freezes when shutting down.
CH000155 Missing icons on my Windows 98 desktop.
CH000156 I've lost my unique identification number can you give me one?
CH000157 Is it possible to use the Windows 98 upgrade for a full version?
CH000160 Windows 98 hangs when scrolling in Internet Explorer or Outlook Express.
CH000164 Lost long file names when copying and moving.
CH000196 Device Manager reports a device as a category and will not remove it.
CH000197 How to change a devices resources.
CH000198 Preventing programs from automatically loading.
CH000209 Information on long file names.
CH000210 When the computer boots I see 'Bad Command or File name'.
CH000211 How to restore the system.ini and win.ini.
CH000283 Windows setup: Compressed volume or disk-cache utility error
CH000284 Issues with Windows image thumbnails.
CH000285 Microsoft Windows does not shut down.
CH000293 Windows SUWIN errors.
CH000346 Dual booting information.
CH000347 Uninstalling Windows software
CH000358 What is win386.swp.
CH000359 IOS Errors.
CH000362 A device attached to the system is not functioning.
CH000363 Extracting files from the Windows cabinets.
CH000366 VFAT errors.
CH000368 Cannot Delete File: File System Error (1026).
CH000399 There are no spare stack pages.
CH000405 The compression driver cannot be set up correctly...
CH000456 Winoldap and Winoa386.mod errors.
CH000476 Error loading Kernel. You must reinstall Windows.
CH000486 Is it safe to delete .dll files?
CH000508 Preventing Microsoft Windows from prompting for a CD.
CH000532 How to rename or label a disk drive.
CH000543 How to rename the Microsoft Windows Recycle Bin.
CH000545 How to update a Microsoft Windows computer.
CH000554 How to set a computer's date and time.
CH000555 How to view the date in Microsoft Windows.
CH000557 Windows fonts are poor quality and not smooth.
CH000561 How to install a software program.
CH000563 How to install fonts on my computer.
CH000568 Unable to remove a program from Windows Add/Remove programs.
CH000570 Additional information and options for the rundll32.exe file.
CH000571 How to change options to Windows New under the right-click menu.
CH000584 Microsoft Windows status bar continues to be disabled.
CH000592 How do I adjust the Windows background?
CH000593 How to enable and disable Windows Active Desktop.
CH000597 Computer always boots into Windows Safe Mode.
CH000605 Windows restarts without warning.
CH000625 Is it safe to turn off a Windows computer without doing a shut down?
CH000629 Unknown PCI device in Windows Device Manager.
CH000661 How to clear Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows most recent Documents.
CH000672 How do I see the calendar in Windows?
CH000673 Can I convert Windows into a different language?
CH000714 Cannot delete file because it's being used by another person or program.
CH000726 Not a valid Win32 application.
CH000734 How can I hide or view hidden icons in my systray?
CH000739 How do I create a Windows shortcut?
CH000741 How can I SSH from Microsoft Windows?
CH000742 How to create a directory or folder.
CH000743 How do I delete a file or folder?
CH000749 Missing Microsoft Windows .dll files.
CH000750 Unable to get into Windows Safe Mode.
CH000766 How do I copy files?
CH000769 How do I determine the size of a file?
CH000770 How do I keep my Windows file listing the same in all Windows?
CH000771 How do I select or highlight multiple files?
CH000790 How do I set a Windows screen saver password?
CH000791 How to navigate Windows using a keyboard.
CH000795 How do I change directories?
CH000824 How do I empty or manage the Windows Recycle Bin?
CH000825 How do I restart Microsoft Windows?
CH000838 How to copy a directory or folder.
CH000841 How can I change the text color of my icons in Windows?
CH000846 How do I change the name of a file or folder?
CH000852 How do I play a movie file in Windows?
CH000857 How do I play a sound or music file in Windows?
CH000872 Information and help with the io.sys file.
CH000877 How do I change my Windows screensaver?
CH000878 How do I make my Windows icons appear larger?
CH000930 How do I determine what version of Windows I'm using?
CH000969 Recovering a deleted file from the Windows Recycle Bin.
CH001003 How do I enable, disable, or adjust the Windows Quick Launch?
CH001004 Adding the Desktop icon back into Windows Quick Launch.
CH001009 What files are not sent to the Windows Recycling bin?
CH001021 How do I change the Recycle Bin icon?
CH001030 How do I change the icons in the Windows Quick Launch?
CH001036 How do I add or remove an icon in Windows Quick Launch?
CH001037 How to hide the small arrow that appears on Windows shortcuts.
CH001038 How do I view the name or label of a hard drive?
CH001060 What is the Windows Desktop.ini file and can I delete it?
CH001061 Disable Windows thumbs.db files from being created.
CH001100 How long does it take to reinstall Windows?
CH001111 How can I find what's running on my Windows computer?
CH001117 Windows cannot read from source file or disk error.
CH001130 How do I create a Windows shortcut key?
CH001141 How do I fix the Windows blue screen errors?
CH001476 How do I move files?
CH001606 How do I make Windows programs automatically startup?
CH001672 How to shut down a computer.
Forum If your question is not listed here try our computer help forum.

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